When was the last time when you really wanted something and your heart said: Go for it, you can do it! But your mind immediately jumped in just to talk you out of it. You are too this or too that, you are not good enough, you cannot possibly make it work, etc.
My mind is not any different form yours. It still tries to persuade me sometimes that I shouldn’t be trying anything new or it can be extremely dangerous to get out of my comfort zone. It wants me to believe that a predictable aka boring life is better than irresponsibly aka excitedly jumping into the unknown.
I used to listen to my mind and believed its lies, but since I’ve learned how to handle it, and how to eliminate my self-limiting beliefs, everything became much better.
These negative beliefs are there in each and every one of us and all they do is hold us back from having the life we have always dreamed about.
Self-limiting beliefs are thoughts we believe about ourselves that place limitations on our abilities.
We hold onto these assumptions and perspectives as absolute truth while, without knowing it, all they do is hold us back from reaching our full potential.
We can limit our beliefs in many different ways, through experiences, education, faulty facts, excuses, and fear. Many of them were formed and accumulated throughout our childhood. We picked them up through our interactions with others. These beliefs not only don’t serve us, but in fact, they hold us back from having the life we always desired. The great thing is that eliminating self-limiting beliefs is completely doable.