Today we are going to talk about the importance of keeping a healthy diet, after all eating well is a form of self-respect.


I’m fasting today. Sounds fun, right?

Actually, it is not that bad. I always thought that fasting means stopping eating entirely, but with the diet I follow, when I fast, I still can have 500 calories a day, which is around 1/3 or 1/4 of my normal daily intake.

I’ve recently came across this form of diet, and I’ve decided to give it a go. One of my former colleagues, who I trust completely, recommended it to me, as he is one of those super intelligent people that I love spending time with. When he is interested in something, he makes sure he reads all the research that is done in that field, so his knowledge on that particular subject is enormous.

This diet has a number of health benefits to it. Apart from losing weight, there are improvements in blood pressure and cholesterol level, not forgetting the great results in insulin sensitivity.

For those of you who want to achieve weight loss, it is recommended that you fast for 2 days, then you can eat normally for 5 days. I will probably follow this plan for a month, then, after achieving my magic number in weight, I will reduce the fasting days to only 1 and keep on doing it for the rest of my life.

This diet is not like any others. It is rather easy to follow, and you can also pick the days that suit you the best. It obviously helps if you plan everything in advance. For example, try to avoid those days when you are invited to a party where you know your favourite meal is going to be served. Your mission is to complete this regime.

Remember, just because you say no to that chocolate bar today, doesn’t mean that you can eat it tomorrow.

Many times, we eat for the wrong reasons.

I’m not going to lie to you, I was a bit scared at the beginning, as I thought that it would be rather challenging to survive the day with only 500 calories, and I also thought I would feel hungry all the time. But in reality, I loved the fact that I had absolute power to conquer the feeling of hunger. Many times, we eat for the wrong reasons.

We comfort ourselves with food when we feel down or when we are bored.

We also happen to feel hungry when we are around food, which is almost always the case. The great thing is that you can control the hunger game.

The other false belief I had regarding this diet was that after the fasting day, I would want to eat up the whole fridge. Surprisingly, though, I didn’t overcompensate. What’s more, I may have eaten a bit less than usual the next day.

Ever since I’ve been following this diet, I’ve been feeling much better, more energised, and less tired.

Treat the diet as a game!

For example today I had a nice coffee with some skimmed milk for breakfast, then a few hours later I ate a small portion of porridge with 40 g. of blueberries, and for dinner I prepared a vegetable soup. I still couldn’t believe how easy it was to get used to this new lifestyle. I treat the diet as a game.

The rule is to find a different low-calorie recipe each time. I already know that, for example, next time I will have some eggs for breakfast, and tuna salad for dinner. I know you are probably still wondering how on earth we are supposed to survive on just 500 calories a day. Don’t worry, it can be done. I’m not saying that these days are easy-peasy, but if we plan our day thoroughly with the help of shopping lists and meal plans, we can get through the day without craving for food. Some people like to have one big meal, while others need to eat more frequently. I personally prefer having two meals a day, starting with a breakfast that is between 100 and 200 calories and finishing with a nice dinner around 300-400 calories. You can try spinach omelette for breakfast and chicken stir-fry for dinner, and the next time you are fasting, go for a yoghurt with a small banana for breakfast and oven-baked smoked haddock with some roasted vegetables for dinner. It doesn’t sound that bad, does it? Be creative and enjoy the benefit of this new regimen.

Unleash Your Fabulous Coaching Programs

We all want to feel beautiful and to be treasured, loved, and taken care of in a fulfilling relationship in which we can surrender and be fully giving. Our core is love, but we often hide it thinking of it as a weakness.
In order to find the love of our lives we need to be open, learn to reconnect with our hearts, and get in touch with our feminine side.
My goal with these programs is to help thousands of women find their way back to their very core, and get in touch with their feminine side.

Call To Action:
Monitor your weight for a month

In order to achieve better results I suggest you keep a daily weight-loss journal. This will not only allow you to see if your weight is going gradually up, staying stable, or going down but it will also help you stay focused on your personal goals and will reassess your eating habits. Having your food and beverage intake right in front of you will keep you accountable. I would also recommend that you add a line where you record the length of time you exercised. With the help of this detailed journal you can evaluate after each month whether or not you were able to meet your goals you set for that period.

Silent meditation retreat in Thailand

One of my favorite quotes is from Le Petit Prince (1943) Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
 Here is my secret. It is very simple. 
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; 
What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

 I always strived to live my life according to this ultimate truth. Now, after spending a number of years practicing self-development, working as a coach and yoga instructor, I can confidently say that I AM FINALLY THERE! And now, my goal is for you to experience this BEAUTIFUL state of being for yourself TOO!
You are here because some part of you is drawn to the Awaken your Heart Retreat coming up next January or February. However, space is limited and I can only take TEN lucky ladies with me for the retreat so if you feel that:
♥  This is the place where you need to be.
♥  This is the experience you need to go through.
♥  This is the knowledge you need to embrace.
Then, please make sure to secure your spot as soon as possible. 

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