Day 1 - Self-Development
(Personal Story)


CONGRATULATIONS!!! For taking the time to change your financial destiny and to learn to move towards achieving financial freedom.

This is Orsi from Jump with Orsi. Com on day one where we will talk about the importance of self-development. Personal development is a lifelong process. It’s a way for us to assess our skills and qualities, set goals in our life in order to realise and maximise our potential.

Today's quote:
“Insanity is doing the same thing
over and over again
and expecting different results.”
- Albert Einstein

I still can’t believe that not so long ago, I was one of those people who had no vision for the future and just existed from one day to another. That was the only life I knew that I felt safe in. With the knowledge and experience I have today, I wouldn’t even call that a life, it was barely surviving. I’m so pleased that in July 2015, I finally took the courage to jump and leave the corporate world behind. When I wake up these days, I feel not only happy and fulfilled, but I also have a beautiful purpose that I’m extremely passionate about, and along with that I constantly have a smile on my face. I can’t wait to assist you too to take the same journey and go through the same process as I did and feel that after a long-long time, you are finally alive. I would love for you to understand that there is nothing to lose here, the same old and boring job will always be there for you if you need it. The truth is, though, that you would never want to go back! When you finally get out of the prison of the corporate world and feel the joy of freedom, you realise that there is an amazing, so far unknown, life out there. (Please note that many people are happy with having a 9-5 job, and I respect that. I’m only talking about my own experiences here, and the fact that you are here today gives me the impression that you are in the same boat as I was and ready to jump soon.)

Let’s get started…

Well, I’m sure you are extremely motivated and ready to learn everything about how to move towards achieving financial freedom so let me jump right into my presentation.

What I’d first like you to do is to identify where you are in terms of money & finance right now. This line on the screen represents your level of satisfaction (10 being very satisfied, and 1 being not so satisfied) so all you need to do is score your current state in the area of money & finance. If let’s say you are in constant debts then your number would probably be around 1 or 2 and for instance if you are earning just enough money to pay the bills but struggling to save or go on holidays then you would probably give yourself a 4 or a 5. (video)

So please take a second and think about your level of satisfaction in your current financial situation. I will wait 5 seconds as you don’t need to over think this, just give yourself the first number that comes to your mind. 5,4,3……

Next, I would like you to imagine that we are 3 months ahead in the future and your money  circumstances have improved. You are satisfied with the results that you have achieved. Where are you now on a 1 to 10 scale in the area of money & finance? Try to be realistic, scoring yourself as a 10 in 3 months’ time after a current 5 might not be achievable. So please identify what your ideal financial situation would be in 90 days. Once again write down the first number that comes to your mind. Thank you. This exercise is great to see where you are right now in terms of money & finance and to identify what achievements can be done in a short amount of time if you are determined to improve and willing to take actions.

But remember, it is not enough on its own if you follow the 10-day challenge but don’t do anything afterwards. You need to make sure that you build everything you learn here into your daily habits.

Please remember to take your fate into your hands, as you hold the keys to your own destiny.


It was a few years ago, at the very beginning of my coaching studies, when I first came across this amazing technique. It is typically a poster board on which we paste or collage images that we have torn out from various magazines. This powerful tool represents our dreams, our goals, and our ideal life. When we surround ourselves with images of who we want to become, what we want to achieve, or where we want to live, our life changes to match those images and those desires. Creating a vision board is probably one of the most valuable visualization tools available to us. After we place those pictures on the board, we can also post affirmations, inspirational words, quotations, and thoughts there. In no time, we will see the magic, our dreams begin to manifest. I truly believe in the Law of Attraction, so I encourage you to create your very own vision board tonight, and keep it in a place where you can see it all the time. The attached image represents my wishes for 2016.


Some great and extremely talented people came up with a very clever idea to digitalise the old-fashioned vision board and turn it into a funky, modernised, mind movie that could potentially change our whole life for ever.

As each of our desires and wishes are different, with the help of this revolutionary product, we can all create our very own short films about the life we would so desperately like to have, filled with positive affirmations, inspiring images, and motivating music. Whether you would like to change your professional life, find your significant other, or just want to create a healthy life style, these mind movies are definitely the way to go.

I created two different versions for myself, one for Business & Money, and another one to support my love life. I’ve been watching these two 3-minute videos twice a day, once during the day, whenever I feel like it, and the second time just before I go to bed. I just love how these short movies work. They can uplift my mood any time, no matter what state I was in before. All you need is a vision of your ideal life, and as soon as you take action and put your wishes out there for the universe, it will provide everything you desire.

As I told you before, these movies and my vision board helped me enormously to get to where I am today. If you’d like to purchase this wonderful product, simply go to and create your mind movies today.

So this is it for today, I hope you learned something new about yourself and ready to take the next challenge. Please remember to complete your call to action and create your very own vision board tonight.

This is Orsi from and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow
on Day 2.




One of the best tools I have ever found to make my dreams come true!

Mind Movies


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